any problems with changing IP addresses AFTER DA Installation?


Verified User
Apr 16, 2004

Finally going to build the box for DA. As I will be building it at home and configuring on my home network before taking it to the data center, will there be a problem working with DA on my local IPs and then changing it later to the public IPs I will get from the co-loc facility?

Oh, and I do not currently know what the IPs are that I will be given.

I would really like to be able to do the install at home so I can start playing around with it and creating packages and such before putting it in the data center.


It should be no problem. Just remember when your setting it up at home that the server can't be behind a router, it must bind to the external ip address that you DA license will belong to.

After you have it setup and are ready to send it to the datacenter you can get the ip address in your license changed by contacting DA, that is once you get the ip your going to use ;)

I would need to have it behind my router at home. Otherwise there is no way to hook up any of my other computers.

I wonder if the demo/test license would work.

Guess it is time to send an email to sales :)
I'm not sure if the test license would work or not. If it requires a temporary license, which I have a feeling it does you would need the server on the external ip address. Thats the only way for them to tell that its a legitiment license since the ip addresses used inside your network are contained.
It is a NAT router so I can make have the server 'exposed' to the internet. I would not setup the DNS servers.

Well, will wait and see what sales/support say about it.

BasicallyI really don't want to start paying for the license until I have a change to play around with it for a little bit and start building packages and such. I plan on starting with the leased option that switching to a lifetime license. :)

Thanks for the info/suggestions!

The server must be on an exposed static IP#, or no license would work; not even the demo license.

If you can do that with your NATting firewall, and if you have static IP# for your connection, and if you know which ports to forward (at the same IP#, not with NAT), then you should be able to make it work.
