Anybody else keep getting pm notifications?

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
Anybody else having this issue?
I'm using pm notifications by email So when a user sends me a pm (conversation) I get an email.
Since a couple of days, the DA forum keeps sending me notifications of the new conversation until I've read them. That's very odd and annoying too.
I notified DA about this.

Anybody else having this issue?
Sorry Richard. :eek: o did some more edits on last post , did you got for all messages then?

Before as we talked about it i did only one edit , you got though more notifications.

@bdacus01 Richard so far i know is talking about more notifications for only one change or message some a hour or hours later kind of double triple.

Right @Richard G ?
Not that its PM's but I clean out my Watched threads as well
I just started this thread and got a notification at 23:01 and 23:07.
As from your PM Brent, I got notifications at 23.17 and 23:23. All times are GMT+2.

@ikkeben: No it's indeed more notification emails. I don't remember ever getting more notifications after somebody editted it's post or pm anyway.
Still odd that I'm the only one getting more notification emails at several times.

@Brent: I got this, but never changed this. It looks like the issue started happening this week:

Still, it seems a Xenforo bug. I just checked my Exim logfile and the mails are indeed really send seperately every time and are completed correctly.

2020-08-14 23:01:08 1k6goz-0007js-H8 <= [email protected] [] P=esmtps X=TLS1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SH
A384:256 CV=no S=11746 [email protected] T="Anybody else keep getting pm notificati
ons? - New reply to watched\n thread" from <[email protected]> for [email protected]
2020-08-14 23:01:08 cwd=/var/spool/exim 3 args: /usr/sbin/exim -Mc 1k6goz-0007js-H8
2020-08-14 23:01:08 1k6goz-0007js-H8 => info <[email protected]> F=<[email protected]> R=virtual_user T=dovecot_lmtp_udp S=12149 C="250 2
.0.0 <[email protected]> RUV1B5T7Nl+ASwAAursqdw Saved"
2020-08-14 23:01:08 1k6goz-0007js-H8 Completed


2020-08-14 23:07:55 1k6gua-0007z6-A0 <= [email protected] [] P=esmtps X=TLS1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SH
A384:256 CV=no S=11746 [email protected] T="Anybody else keep getting pm notificati
ons? - New reply to watched\n thread" from <[email protected]> for [email protected]
2020-08-14 23:07:55 cwd=/var/spool/exim 3 args: /usr/sbin/exim -Mc 1k6gua-0007z6-A0
2020-08-14 23:07:56 1k6gua-0007z6-A0 => info <[email protected]> F=<[email protected]> R=virtual_user T=dovecot_lmtp_udp S=12149 C="250 2
.0.0 <[email protected]> LtoeOiv9Nl+9fwAAursqdw Saved"
2020-08-14 23:07:56 1k6gua-0007z6-A0 Completed

If I don't come and read them, they will be resend in a few hours.
PM notifications were send earlier today at 10.56, 11.00, 12.03 and 14.03 and then I was fed up and came and read them.
So it seems the first come within a couple of minutes and next are after on our and two hours. I varies in any case.

Due to this investigations and log files, I can't come to any conclusion where it would point to a local issue on my side.
LoL I now even keep getting notifications of this thread long after I have read -and- answered to it. Just got another one about this thread at 02:10 hours (GMT+2) and that is more than 3 hours after my reply.
Oke now I'm sure it's a forum issue. I logged out, cleared all my directadmin cookies. Wanted to login, but did not remember my password at first. So I requested a password reset. You get a mail with a link to reset.
I got that mail but it was also send like (GMT+2):

These mails are send from the forum, so this can't be a local issue.
Yups, had that a while back, suddenly dozens of notifications on a topic that didn't have any action. Had to disable about everything that could result in a mail in the forum settings :)
In your preferences you have these 2 checked:

- Automatically watch content you create…
- and receive email notifications

Those are 2 that I do not have checked, and I also didn't change anything in there as far as I know.

Not sure what they mean with "creating content", but it seems logical this is the setting.
ad to disable about everything that could result in a mail in the forum settings :)
That would be an option, however, as you can read, it also happens with the password reset emails. I can't disable those.

@Arieh Correct, but I have it like that since the beginning, and also like that on other Xenforo forums.
The first option only creates a watch, which only creates local (forum) notifications (like on the bell on the upper side on the forum), the "and receive email notifications" take care that I also get an email about it when a new reply is placed.

This option is only when I create a topic myself, like now.

Samen goes for the email notification on conversations. I would like to be notified by email, always had worked like this.

I could temporarily disable them, but I don't want it to start again on enabling again. And like said, this does not explain the repeated mails about the password reset email.
These stopped for now, but I'm almost sure they will start again. Also it does not explain why this sometimes happen with some users. As you can read it also happened to @sysdev so it looks like a bug in the forum software.

Due to the date/times I presented for both thread, pm's and password reset notifications, DA should be able to verify in the Exim log that their system is sending those repeated mails, and put in a bug report with Xenforo.