Anyone can help with ftp account username?


Verified User
Jun 8, 2004

I want to have ftp account name as follows...


not "[email protected]"
not "[email protected]"

Since MS win XP's built in ftp can't deal with 2 @s.

Even if changing the @ to a + or # wouldn't work.
It would be very trouble for users in windows to download new software just to use ftp.

Is there any way that I can change the username? manually?

Thanks in advance.
hkimac said:
I want to have ftp account name as follows...


not "[email protected]"
not "[email protected]"

Since MS win XP's built in ftp can't deal with 2 @s.
What do you mean by two @ symbols? Each address has only one @ symbol.
Is there any way that I can change the username? manually?
If you shell into your system and create a username with adduser (see man adduser) you can have a username of abcd or 1234.

hkimac said:
[BFurthermore, it wouldn't be shown in DA.[/B]

Create a 2nd FTP account for a user, in DA - then copy that users line from /etc/proftpd.passwd replacing the @ in the username with a #

Another feature that needs to be implemented ;)

Thanks, it's ok now.

It would be best if we can create a ftp account without domain name at the back.

Can we manually edit some files to change the default setting for creating username?

Instead of [email protected] can we change the default to

Thanks. :)