Anyone having issue with fresh install today with Alma 8.4 ?


Verified User
Jan 3, 2009
Tried setting the install OS option to Auto and Centos 8. Same result.

-The install will crash with the nameservers taken out in the resolv.conf
-The GUI will load
-Custombuild will not work
-Custombuild.tar.gz is giving invalid gzip format

  • gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
Tried copying the custombuild and custombuild.tar.gz from another server then run the build again.

Then the build process will crash of the gzip error

Submitted a ticket to DA support.
Seems like the majordomo package is causing an issue.

Was able to build litespeed and php separately

ls -lah majordomo-1.94.5-patched.tar.gz
-rw------- 1 root root 1.2M Sep  6 15:19 majordomo-1.94.5-patched.tar.gz
[root@vps2815 custombuild]# tar -zxvf majordomo-1.94.5-patched.tar.gz 

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

tar: Child returned status 1

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
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Just one question.
Why do you start with Alma 8.4 while 8.6 is already in place. We did an upgrade from Centos 8.5 to Alma 8.5 and later updated to 8.6.
So why start with 8.4?

As for packages, I hope they can help you with the ticket. But just to be sure, can you check your /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf file to see which mirror is in use?
Same issue here. can't install directadmin on rockylinux 8.6
the file majordomo-1.94.5-patched.tar.gz not gzip compressed file
it is a tar file

@smtalk pls repack the file or remove -z option tar zxvf majordomo-1.94.5-patched.tar.gz in ./build file
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Got this error: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format with every update on 1 CentOS 7 box too. Others don't give issues

Executing /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build phpmyadmin.
phpMyAdmin 5.2.0-all-languages requires PHP 7.2+, but 5.6 is installed
Dropping phpMyAdmin version down to 5.1.3-all-languages
phpMyAdmin 5.1.3-all-languages requires PHP 7.1+, but 5.6 is installed
Dropping phpMyAdmin version down to 4.9.10-all-languages

Downloading phpMyAdmin-4.9.10-all-languages.tar.gz...
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gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Adding AuthLog to /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin-4.9.10-all-languages/
Adding PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning to /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin-4.9.10-all-languages/
phpMyAdmin 4.9.10-all-languages installation is done.


Executing /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build php_expert 8.1 php-fpm...
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/php-8.1.10.tar.gz
Extracting ...

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
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Also seeing this after updating a server running CentOS 7.9. A rebuild of php fixed it for us.
Also seeing this after updating a server running CentOS 7.9. A rebuild of php fixed it for us.
Thanks, will do now! Looks like fixed in new CB rev 2940, that I haven't got from a DA official mirror (I guess it was files that was behind).

Hope this helps others that face the same problem
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I've tried with both Ubuntu 22.04 and VzLinux 8.5 and I am getting "The source path for majordomo does not exist. Make sure the correct path is set in This is after I get a gzip: stdin: not in gzip format.
I've tried with both Ubuntu 22.04 and VzLinux 8.5 and I am getting "The source path for majordomo does not exist. Make sure the correct path is set in This is after I get a gzip: stdin: not in gzip format.
It's been fixed in latest version of CB 2.0. Please give it a try again.
@smtalk Can I suggest for you guys to patch up the installer so that whenever a package is unavailable/corrupt for custombuild, it doesn't crash the system completely.

By crashing I mean it left the resolv.conf broken.

I have brought this up to the rep that responded to the ticket I mentioned but he/she thinks this is related to the Network Manager, which I'm sure its not the case as I tested with another VM today using the same template and the resolv.conf didn't break. The original entries are still there. I did nothing to the Network Manager in today's test.

Likely all the issues were related to the same one issue that was met at the beginning.

Regarding this statement:
>When I check the resolv.conf, the nameservers are taken out.

DA itself does not take them out. A similar result was reported on all the servers that had network misconfigured. Half of the network was configured in NetworkManager and then DNS servers were added into /etc/resolv.conf manually.
When during installation DA touches the network configuration for the posthook scripts when network is restarted (for the DA configured IP addresses to be started after your system adds its own IP addresses) the Network manager rewrites the /etc/resolv.conf.

During the installation period when the issues with network arose, you probably haven't received part of the packages.
We'd suggest you to fix the network setup and rerun the installation.