Anything else besides installatron?


Verified User
Dec 28, 2004
Anything else besides installaron?

Installaron was working fine until we updated server, now it does not work at all and have removed the program from server. Tried support but they want access to server but that is not possible.

Is there anything else?
There's no security risk in giving the folks at Installatron access... they're very competant professionals and will have you up and running in no time.

We've got about 80 licenses with them, and couldn't be happier.
I don't know of any other program that does what Installatron does. There was a free solution someone wrote about in these forums but I don't believe it's still being produced.

And it didn't have as many programs available.

I've never had issues with the Installatron team.

When you say upgraded? What exactly did you upgrade? Did you attempt to trace any error logs?
There are also instructions in their troubleshooting section on the site on how to completely refresh your Installatron installation, it's come in handy a couple times :)