Apache access logfile ?


Verified User
Apr 12, 2009
I´ve a script, wich uses apache access logfile for stats. Where can i find it? There is tar.gz file in logs folder. Can i change it someway to be .txt file?

Here is few line from my script -->

"Your logfile should also be in the standard Apache Common Log Format (CLF) for the statistics to work correctly."

And to do cronjob -->

Line 1: #!/bin/sh
Line 2: CRONPATH=/home/www/html/logs/access_log.txt
Line 3: cd
Line 4: ./cron.php

What should i add to Line2: ?

Thank you.
Huhuu, anyone?

How can i use my logfiles in public_html folder? Yes i know where i can find them but i need it to be viewable in public_html folder. But how?
Why should we do everything for you? If you purchase a linux server you should know how to use it.
@jantsu78: you are asking for free help; last thing you should do is to complain about the help you receive; first thing you should do is to search in Google: "how to create symlink" will give you the answer without bothering anyone.
Why is it so difficult to tell how to do something, if somebody ask?

Answer Table
Answers ..............................................$1
Answers which require thought ................$2
Correct Answers ...................................$4
Dumb Looks .........................................Still Free! :eek:
Why this forum is running if i only get some stupid answers?

Why do you even answer something, if you do not wan´t to answer?
We already gave you the answer, more than once.
No one but you is complaining about anyone or anything we say in this forum, that should mean something right?

Now please stop whining and make use of your Google skills. I don't think you will receive any more help from these good people, so the meaning of this thread is gone and we are OT.
Why this forum is running if i only get some stupid answers?

Why do you even answer something, if you do not wan´t to answer?
I didn't see any stupid answers; I did some simple answers. If you want to learn how to be a systems administrator, how to run linux or FreeBSD from the command line, then unfortunately this forum isn't the place to learn.

The linux/BSD manuals for the link command may be found at:
$ man ln

If you don't know which man files contain the help you're looking for, then you can find out this way:
$ apropos link