apache and DirectAdmin


Verified User
Oct 16, 2005
i got problem with how directadmin work with my apache
the apache is restarted a lot during the day to update directadmin things (like when someone adding domain or new user)
i got 300+ user one my server (
and every 20-30 minutes someone updating something

when apache restarting himself it means that the sites on the server doesnt work for 5 to 10 seconds
and its a very big problem for me

is there any way to deal with it ?
please try to be creative :)

Change how often the task queue runs. Edit the cronjob /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron

Change the line /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq to run how often you want it to run. This way when a user updates something it will not restart apache immediately.

Try to be balanced though. Users will also be upset if they have to wait for hours for changes to take effect.