Apache Command line length exceeds compiled-in limit


Verified User
Jun 26, 2018
one of the users changed php per domain settings, and this caused httpd to fail to start due to:

Command line length exceeds compiled-in limit

how can I change apache command line length limit?

I have exactly the same issue, I can't find any solution.

One of the users changed his PHP options which caused the crash of my httpd services with this error:
[root@sh-gra-1 ~]# apachectl configtest
AH00526: Syntax error on line 18 of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/httpd.conf:
Command line length exceeds compiled-in limit

Line 18 in httpd.conf:
FCGIWrapper '/usr/local/safe-bin/fcgid74.sh /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/php/domain.com.ini -d open_basedir="/home/username/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear/:/dev/urandom:/usr/local/lib/php/:/usr/local/php74/lib/php/" -d file_uploads="On" -d include_path=".;/path/to/php/pear" -d max_execution_time="300" -d max_input_time="300" -d max_input_vars="5000" -d memory_limit="1024M" -d post_max_size="128M" -d short_open_tag="On" -d upload_max_filesize="1G" -d zlib.output_compression="On" -d mail.log="/home/username/.php/php-mail.log"' .php

I tried using multiple lines adding a \ at the end of each line writing it on mutiple lines but I'm still getting the same error.

Thanks in advance for any help.
change to php-fpm, should solved your problem., but this bug report should be in ticket system, Directadmin team will fixed this problem in soon, if you report on their.
I reported as similar error back in 2022

So a good idea with a ticket to have it re-checked out, to see if it is worth increasing the limit further or if there is another issue. Otherwise yes FPM-FPM does not have this issue.