Solved Apache compile error during update on Alma 8.8

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I've just updated all servers and all went fine, except for one of the Almalinux 8 servers.

This happened during apache update near the end where you normally see the rewrite_confs happening:

Using xx.xx.xx  for your server IP
Backslash found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "\"
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/a" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/b" at -e line 1, at end of line
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/l" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/_" at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/f" at -e line 1, at end of line
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/u" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/t" at -e line 1, at end of line
syntax error at -e line 1, near "\"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
Backslash found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "\"
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/a" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/b" at -e line 1, at end of line
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/l" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/_" at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/f" at -e line 1, at end of line
Regexp modifiers "/d" and "/u" are mutually exclusive at -e line 1, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/t" at -e line 1, at end of line
syntax error at -e line 1, near "\"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

Anybody a clue as the where I have to look, because I have no clue where it's looking at this point.

Edit: Same happens again when I only do the rewrite_confs command.
Solved. Checked DA's error log, seemed some sitepad plugin was tried to be installed unsuccessfully by my collegue (and he didn't tell me).
This generated this error:
 Unable to read /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/sitepad/plugin.conf : Unable to open /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/sitepad/plugin.conf for reading.<br>
No such file or directory<br>
The directory was present, and 1 file but no plugin.conf.

Deleted the plugin the decent way from the DA panel as administrator. Tried the rewrite_confs again and now it works fine!