Apache config HELP


Verified User
Apr 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Hi all, I'm running a fairly hefty box but experiencing performance problems that I never expected. I'm running a stock install so nothing on Apache has been tweaked or config'd but it seems to be failing under a modertate load. The systsem;

Processor Name	Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Vendor ID	GenuineIntel
Processor Speed (MHz)	2793.425
Processor Name	Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Vendor ID	GenuineIntel
Processor Speed (MHz)	2793.425
Total Memory	1027012 kB
Free Memory	68180 kB
Total Swap Memory	811240 kB
Free Swap Memory	784608 kB
System Uptime	6 Days, 1 Hours and 45 Minutes
Apache 1.3.33	Running
DirectAdmin 1.23.5 	Running
Exim 4.50	Running
MySQL 4.0.23	Running
Named 9.2.4 	Running
ProFTPd 1.2.9 	*** Stopped ***
sshd 	*** Stopped ***
vm-Pop3d 1.1.7e 	Running

My loads typically look like this;

18.58, 20.20, 19.39

MySql: 4.0.23
PHP: 4.3.11
Apache: 1.3.33

The machine has 1GB of ram currently, but the usage seems to be roughly equivalent to;

50 users = 512MB

When I say 'users', I mean visitors to my site. I've used the MySQL cofig found here http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=40 but am still experiencing heavy slow-downs and am looking for a robust config or some suggestions to improve Apache's performance.

There is only *ONE* site running on this machine, something is clearly wrong for there to be a noticable load on the machine. Feel free to check the site out here; www.dracule.com [NSFW]

I'm in desperate need of a solution for improving performance of this box. THANK YOU!!!
Only one website? Must be pretty big, what are you running on it that's so resource intesive?
Anything that might merit DoS attacks?
Checking logs or using other tools, does it appear to be a continuous attack?

If you temporarily disable the domain and simply drop all connections to that domain does the load come down?
My first thought would be to look at logfiles to see what could be causing such intensive use of resources.
