Apache down!!!


Verified User
Oct 5, 2005

I wanted to install gd because i got on error: Unable to load dynamic library './php_gd2.dll' - ./php_gd2.dll

After searching i tried this: yum install php-gd

Now Apache 2 is installed and httpd stopped and i can't get it to work!

Please help!!!
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I've followed steps 3,4,5:

And now it's up again.

It looks like everything is working fine again. Do i need to fix or do something else?
I have a backup (made by DA) from just before i installed php-gd. How can i recover?

Please help, thank you!
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Well, it seems that the rpm you installed using yum included the apache 2 dependency and as a result installed that one as well.

imho you could have best removed apache / gd with yum to make a clean start and then follow the DA help to install apache 1.3

Completely restoring the system sounds a bit drastic if your server is already running...
Thank you.

Apache's error log shows: [warn] module perl_module is already loaded, skipping

How can i fix that?
There's a place to fix it (if you search these forums for the error you might find it), but it's unimportant; it's just a warning that it's not loading something already loading.
