Apache error


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
Installing WHMCS Produces Apache error

Does anyone know what would cause this following error? I uploaded the WHM files and went to the folder/file to begin the installation process. On step 2, the page times out and shows nothing and in the Apache error log I see this:

[Sat Dec 09 17:13:14 2006] [notice] child pid 29770 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Sat Dec 09 17:13:17 2006] [notice] child pid 30231 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Sat Dec 09 17:16:12 2006] [notice] child pid 29546 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
i don't think any of us knows what changes WHMComplete Soluiton makes, if any, to apache.

Have you tried contacting them for support?

Actually I discovered the issue was something pertaining to PHP. After a few recompiles and recompiling all of the modules, it works fine.
So did it have anything to do with WHCMS? If so we should know what to look for.


No, as far as I know it didn't have anything to do with WHMS. In fact, I had an error earlier with phpMyAdmin that resembled the same error with WHMS on a certain page. After a little digging, I decided to recompile PHP and all of the modules with it and that seemed to solve it.

I believe this issue ran deeper when I had to reinstall DA two weeks ago. Just a small glitch related to that.
Glad to hear it. I've changed the main title of the thread; no need to give WHMCS bad publicity in a post index :) .
