Apache Errors : Won't start


Verified User
Jun 9, 2016
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to get a new server up and running with DirectAdmin. When I run ./build rewrite_confs I get the following errors...

Starting php-fpm56: [18-Jun-2018 08:54:35] WARNING: Nothing matches the include pattern '/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/php/php-fpm56.conf' from /usr/local/php56/etc/php-fpm.conf at line 68.
Restarting apache.
AH00526: Syntax error on line 52 of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/winedb/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'php_admin_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

The last one prevents apache from starting. I can manually edit the lines in the conf file but if I run rewrite_confs again it just puts it right back. I checked in the admin area and there is no custom apache config data under that user. This account was transfered from another server if that matters. Can anyone tell me how to properly fix the issue / remove the offending lines and address the php-fpm56 issue.

Thank you.

You should fix:

Invalid command 'php_admin_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

What are options?

./build options

and what you have in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/winedb/httpd.conf ?
Thanks for the reply...

[root@host custombuild]# ./build options
Apache: 2.4.33
mod_ruid2: 0.9.8
ModSecurity: 2.9.2
ModSecurity Rule Set: comodo
htscanner: no
Dovecot: 2.3.1
Dovecot configuration: yes
AWstats: no
Exim: no
exim.conf update: no
BlockCracking: no
Easy Spam Fighter: no
SpamAssassin: no
ClamAV: 0.100.0
MySQL: 5.6.38
MySQL backup: yes
MySQL backup directory: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups
MySQL compress backups: no
PHP (default): 7.0 as php-fpm
PHP (additional): 5.6 as php-fpm
phpMyAdmin: 4.8.1-all-languages
ProFTPD: no
Pure-FTPd: 1.0.47
RoundCube webmail: 1.3.6
Replace "php.ini" with './build all' and './build php_ini': no
Auto updates/notifications: no
Run "clean" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_webapps" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_tarballs" every time: yes
Show texts in bold: yes
SquirrelMail: no
Zend Guard Loader: no
ionCube loader: no
Suhosin: no

The winedb.conf file has the following lines...

php_admin_value display_errors 1
php_admin_value max_input_time 100
php_admin_value html_errors 1

However if I remove them and then run

./build rewrite_confs

It puts the lines right back in and I have no idea why...I appreciate your help
Connect to directadmin as admin and remove those lines from custom area on httpd customization page.

and you need to disable mod_ruid2: 0.9.8
Thank you Alex for your help. The issue with apache not starting has been fixed.

Can you explain why I need to disable mod_ruid2? If it matters I would like to run both php5.6 + php7 on this server.