Apache hostnamelookups


Verified User
Apr 19, 2006

Without any (visible) reason, apache doesn't do reverse lookups anymore although Hostnamelookups = on.

Is there anywhere else I can look to see where things are going wrong? ;)
Can you do reverse lookups on your server?

host <ip>

There is no reason if that option is on it shouldnt work.

Maybe you didnt restart apache.
Reverse lookups in general is no problem, it's only Apache that doesn't do reverse lookups anymore.

It started a several days ago and Apache has been restarted several times already.

It could be something unexplainable which a server reboot would solve since it has a high uptime (+500 days) but the nerd in me doesn't want to kill that uptime before looking into all the options :)
Did you change the

HostnameLookups On

in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-default.conf

or did you change it in another file?

I dont know the reason why it wouldnt work.

You might want to check google for an answer.
Yep, hostnamelookups are on. Also grepped in all files to see if it was off anywhere else.

Google also doesn't provide me with some useful info otherwise I wouldn't have posted here.

Thanks for the help though!