i have this problem in admin--->Custom HTTPD Configurations -----> ./build rewrite-confs
Checking to ensure /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.ca is set.
Using for your server IP
�[1mApache 2.4.27 and higher will not negotiate http2 with mpm_prefork. Please do not use mod_php�[m or disable http2 in the directadmin.conf
Restarting apache.
and i do not have public_html folder in file manager
i install direct admin yesterday
and i search very much in internet but ....
help me
i have this problem in admin--->Custom HTTPD Configurations -----> ./build rewrite-confs
Checking to ensure /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.ca is set.
Using for your server IP
�[1mApache 2.4.27 and higher will not negotiate http2 with mpm_prefork. Please do not use mod_php�[m or disable http2 in the directadmin.conf
Restarting apache.
and i do not have public_html folder in file manager
i install direct admin yesterday
and i search very much in internet but ....
help me