See... this is part of the issue I have with the documentation with DirectAdmin. Now, granted, this is not a fully implemented feature (it says Unfinished... I assume that's some type of beta?). And I haven't even tried to implement this, maybe it's more self-explanatory when you go to build and turn this on. But just from reading that link... I'm not able to get a lot of information.
DirectAdmin can make use of this with a new value (set to 0 by default)
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set jail 1
service directadmin restart
OK, I get that. But then there's:
Alternatively, you can set:
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set jail 2
service directadmin restart
OK, what does that do? How is 2 different from 1?
Note that this is entirely based on the directadmin.conf.
CustomBuild will need to set jail=1 upon ./build jailshell and restart DA.
Admins can bump this up to level 2 if desired.
OK, what does bumping this up to 2 do?
Am I missing something?