apache log archives


Verified User
Mar 19, 2004
Um now that apache logs are forced to be rotated nightly, how exactly are the users supposed to view their older logs now?

I have had several users complain now about not being able to view logs from previous days.

Sure there are the backed up logs files but they are gzipped and they can't uppack them via the control panel...
Users will have to download previous logs to access them. Out of curiosity, why would you necassarily need previous error logs? As far as I can see they aren't very helpful past a few hours time except for statistics viewing, unless thats what their trying to do.
I agree on the errors logs. Not useful except in the immediate.

The access logs are another story though...
I've already mentioned elsewhere I'm annoyed by this new "feature"

I agree that old error logs aren't all that useful but the access logs are another story...frequently I have to go back to search for something and doing so by month is much easier than unpacking 30 archived files and searching through them.

Also monthly logs are helpful if for some reason I need to recombine the logs and run them through a log analyzer...

For the time being, I've stopped keeping the old logs...only keeping a few days worth is useless to me and keeping all of them creates too many files to deal with.