Apache Monitoring


Verified User
Jul 3, 2005
Is there a way I can monitor apache. My apache has risen in load averages. I want to find out if its a ddos attempt or something else. Is there a way to monitor what is going on?

I want to know the reason that it is raising in usage.
The best way of checking what your Apache processes are doing is using server-status:

Edit your httpd.conf and add the following:

<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from <your IP address>

Reload apache and access with http://<your IP address>/server-status

Prioserve Webhosting
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Ok I have server-status setup. Is this the best way to keep eye on things. I had about 20 processes running today at 100% cpu with someone attempting to run a ps though perl.

I just want to keep my system as secure as possible.