Apache restart


Verified User
Jun 21, 2005
Honningsvaag, Norway
Hi there,

Sorry about my bad english :)

I have observed that the apache server takes a restart whenever added a subdomain. My tech worker told me he would prefer to use a reload. Why does DA use the restart? This cause some downtime when a client add a subdomain.

If you than run 180-200 domainnames on one server there will be some restarts that realy is unnecessary....?
You may need to ask DirectAdmin this question directly. ([email protected])

This hasn't been a problem for me (yet) so I'm not sure on the exact command DA executes or if it can be changed without a new version release.

Edit: Besides rewriting the startup script making the restart option really reload and the reload option really restart. Then you'd just have to remember the difference when you really wanted to restart and not reload.
In case someone else have the same isue.

Here is the answer from John @ Support:

If an https virtualhost is added a full restart is needed because new certificates always require a full restart. (even if it's the shared server certificate)

You can temporarily modify the httpd boot script (/etc/init.d/httpd or /usr/local/etc/rc.d/httpd) to do a reload when a restart is called to see if it works if you wanted to try it out.

Years ago, when servers were a lot slower (and yes, a lot slower at restarting), we and others used to change .conf files in real time but only schedule restarts (when the changes would actually become live) once or twice every 24 hours.

These days people expect faster response than that, and systems generally work faster.
