Apache Shuts Down


Verified User
Oct 12, 2003
My Apache server on my server has been shutting down around 1:30 AM CST for the past several days. I can't seem to figure out why.

I am running:

RedHat 9
DirectAdmin v1.21.3
Apache 1.3.29

Is there a compatability issue I should know about? Should I upgrade Apache?

Is there anything in any of the logs that shows anything happening during that time?

Can you stay up and watch the server's "top" command at that hour, and see if you see anything suspicious?

I don't see anything in the logs that could be causing this.

I have been away from my computer the past couple nights around this time. Not sleeping, but busy doing other things. I will try to get away tonight and watch it.

The only thing I can think of is the vB3 on the server. It uses cron jobs, which would explain the time issue, and maybe one of the PHP scripts isn't working right, which could cause Apache to go down. However, the admin of the forums says his cron jobs do not run at the time in question.
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