Apache UserDir vs. DirectAdmin "AliasMatch"


Verified User
Feb 8, 2007
Can someone please explain to me why DA'a default httpd.conf includes this:
AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)* /home/$1/public_html$2

Isn't this *exactly* what UserDir does?
I think this is needed in the case when you DNS is not resolved properly for a domain and you are required to access your website

so eg. http://x.x.x.x/~website/

website - is the username

If I think we use UserDir directive then everytime we create a user DA then has to create an entry in httpd.conf for the new user for the above URL to work. But with having AliasMatch one entry works for all the new domains.
If i remember right, it is so that any bandwidth used from ~user will get tallied to that user. Using UserDir, someone could go to http://domain1.com/~domain2user and all the bandwidth used during this would get added onto domain1's account but with the AliasMatch, it gets added onto domain2 so it can't be abused. I may be wrong though, I just remember seeing a thread about this before.

edit - here is the thread http://directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=861
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Marshall is correct; this was changed so bandwidth could be logged on ~user requests. Note the homedir.log CustomLog.

Cheers, Phil.