Apache wont start after delete user


Verified User
Jan 29, 2005
Hi I have a strange problemen on a few servers.
(proberly a DA bug?)

When I delete a user from the system apache will failed.
When I restart apache I get the message:

[root@ccc10 ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: httpd: bad user name exampleuser

I used DA V1.26.2
OS: Fedora Core 3

Its seems that there are not delete the information of de httpd.conf.

Am I the only one white this problem?

(I have now restore all accounts and httpd will run, but iff I delted httpd failed)
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Have you searched your httpd.conf file and included files for that pesky exampleuser?

hmm, sometimes it's ok and somtimes not ok.

After deleting an account everyting is deleted except the rules in the main httpd.conf
Still have the problem.

I have reinstall apache (customapache)
I have run /sbin/fixfiles restore

The problem is not in httpd conf, al data of the domain is correct deleted of the conf file.

I found that if i delete new accounts there is no problem.
If I dellete old account apache wont start.

I have moved all my servers to a other network, all the servers has new IP's mabay the problem is there?
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Possibly... you still haven't responded to whether or not you can find example files for the user.
