

New member
Jul 2, 2005
Every time i make a change to websites, add a domain, email or any thing to do with a domain apache shuts off and we have to manualy ssh in and turn it back on. We've re compiled Apache/php twice.

Does anyone know why it does this? and why DA just does not restart it right?
Apache must be restarted everytime a change is made to an httpd.conf to reload the configuration and apply the changes.
Do you get any errors or warnings when you start apache? Have you verified that the Statup script in /etc/init.d (debian) is the on DirectAdmin provides and has the correct name and permissions?
I am having a similar problem but it keeps killing every 5 minutes... it is a centos 3.4 box... any ideas? I have recompiled a few times as well using the custom apache script.
We went through the total setup.. check your php.ini file we found that it was not adding ; in spots
I found the issue, it is every time a new member is added it has to restart apache but it hangs on the restart for a few minutes some times so it is taking forever, thus than the dataskq service was than trying to restart as well cause them to fight with each other.... so I disabled the taskq for now for httpd but still trying to figure a way to get apache to load quicker :-)