Apache2 mod_perl problem


Verified User
Feb 5, 2004
The Hague, Netherlands
After installing apache 2, php, mod_frontpage and mod_perl I get the following error:

Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so into server:
/usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so: undefined symbol: PerlIOBase_binmode

And I have no clue how to fix this problem.. anyone got some ideas ?

I have the same problem, didn't find a solution yet.
It happened after Upgrading to APACHE 2.

I'm sure you probably found a solution to this by now, but after doing two hours of searching around I figured I should post what I found for a solution, when compiling apache, compile with:

./configure --prefix=/path/to/whatever

--enable-log-forensic --enable-mime-magic --enable-expires --enable-headers --enable-http --enable-info --enable-cgi --enable-vhost-alias --enable-rewrite --enable-so --enable-unique-id

Then configure and compile mod_perl as normal. I'm pretty sure it's the --enable-so that did the trick.

Hope this helps somebody :)
Well as far as I can see the problem exists in perl. When you have mutiple directory's with perl the mod_perl2 module gets confused.
Don't have a solution yet, but i've read that when you remove the old perl directory of link it to your current perl directory it should do the trick.

But i'le keep you informed.

I can't say as though I had to move any of my perl installation around, I just have a stock generic install of sarge 3.2 and after removing all the apache2 packages and compiling apache I received the error message that you originally received.

What solved it was compiling apache with the options in my previous post, installing that, then doing a fresh extract and compile of the mod_perl module.

I think it's something to with the apache compile time options, after doing it that way, my mod_perl scripts are running fine.
For Debian users: my solution was to install libperl-dev.

Pretty old topic, I've posted this for future reference.
Helped me just now! Thanks, blukske!

I've now successfully upgraded Apache, MySQL and PHP!