APC 3.0.14 has been released


Staff member
Aug 22, 2006
APC 3.0.14 has been released, changelog:
* Build fix (Shire)
* Don't hook the upload hook if APC is disabled (Rasmus)
* Local shadow cache support (Gopal)
* Avoid uneccessary loops over op_arrays for "known" auto-globals (Gopal)
* Fix apc_add() to overwrite timed out user entries (Rasmus)
* Fix double inclusion of files with conditional classes in php4 (Gopal)
* Allocator fixes to reduce fragmentation (Gopal)

Unless APC is part of DirectAdmin, this probably shouldn't be in Version Updates. Where should it be?

APC isn't a part of DirectAdmin ;) APC=Advanced PHP Cache.
I know what it is; I didn't check to see if DA included it by default.

Moved to Third-Party Software.

jlaman, what? Are you joking? If you've moved the thread then move all the threads from http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=29 As ClamAV, Dovecot, MySQL 5.x etc. They aren't included with DirectAdmin by default.
That may be exactly what we should do, considering the description originally setup by DirectAdmin for the Version Updates section:
This area contains information about each version
upgrade we release. Skin programmers should pay
special attention to these announcements.
So do we have a concensus? Or perhaps we should have a new section? If so, what whall we call it?

Well, I am not sure if, this is right place to ask for this. I didn't see anything against it, so here is my problem:

I have DirectAdmin on my system and everything should be default install (as in apache, php etc.)

Well, I installed APC like this :

[root@server /]# pecl install apc
downloading APC-3.0.14.tgz ...
Starting to download APC-3.0.14.tgz (108,511 bytes)
.........................done: 108,511 bytes
40 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20020918
Zend Module Api No:      20020429
Zend Extension Api No:   20050606
 1. Use apxs to set compile flags (if using APC with Apache)? : yes

1-1, 'all', 'abort', or Enter to continue:
building in /var/tmp/pear-build-root/APC-3.0.14
running: /tmp/pear/cache/APC-3.0.14/configure --with-apxs
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
Libraries have been installed in:
Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/apc.so'
install ok: channel://pecl.php.net/APC-3.0.14
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location
You should add "extension=apc.so" to php.ini

When it waited for a response "1-1, 'all', 'abort', or Enter to continue:" I just hit the enter key.

[root@server /]# whereis php.ini
php: /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/local/lib/php
[root@server /]#
[root@server /]# cd  /usr/local/lib/
[root@server lib]# nano php.ini
[root@server lib]# httpd restart

Well I added the apc.so with the full directory path and it failed as you see below :

PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library './/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/apc.so' - .//usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/apc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
[Fri May  4 11:30:05 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
[root@server lib]# nano php.ini
[root@server lib]# httpd restart
PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library './usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/apc.so' - ./usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/apc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
[Fri May  4 11:31:22 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
[root@server lib]# nano php.ini

So I checked php.ini if my extension directory is set and what is it. I found it to be

extension_dir = "./"

So I changed the stuff I added for APC into php.ini and basically, only thing I added is :

apc.shm_size = 32

so, after that, I restarted apache once more :

[root@server lib]# httpd restart
[Fri May  4 11:32:20 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
[root@server lib]#

So basically, something happened. Why I say this? Because I fail to see it in phpinfo data. Here is the link to phpinfo :


I don't know what is the next step I have to take, or if there is any problem. I couldn't find a single good guide about installing APC. Even in their homepage in tutorials section, they have links for building applications etc. on it.
I am sorry to bother you with such a long post, but if anyone can tell me what to do next or even just a link to where a good guide is or even give me a link where to post and ask help, I will appreciate it.