APC Cache vs. Zend (ie. how to remove Zend?)


Verified User
Dec 15, 2005
Ok, I just installed APC Cache and it does show up in my phpinfo now, so great that worked!

And as has been recommended I would like to disable (rather then remove zend), by disabling it thru php.ini

The weird part is I cant find any mention of zend in my php.ini file.

Am I going crazy here ? Any advice on how I can remove zend? here is my phpinf


It does list Zend extensions etc right there on the first lines, so i'm assuming zend is being loaded up by apache but how?? if its not in my php.ini file.. any help would be much appreciated. I can copy paste my php.ini file if necesary, but it is quite long..
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Zend is one of the major developers of PHP and their name is all over the code. You don't have any of the Zend extentions that would interfere with caching, so you are good, no need to remove anything.