Autoblocking connection attempts to non-existent e-mails


Verified User
Mar 25, 2013

For one of the domains that we host, Brute Force Monitor keeps reporting (and generating tickets) that an everchanging range of Chinese IPs keep attempting to check a non-existent e-mail at that domain. Is there any way to make it so connection attempts to non-existent e-mails are automatically rejected and notifications are disabled?

Best regards,
I had the first three steps set up for a month or so and activated step four last week before I left for the weekend. It seemed to help at first but then, come Wednesday, there were another 20 tickets in the DA system from BFM regarding an IP, an e-mail that doesn't exist, and that IP connecting to that e-mail that doesn't exist. Do I just need to tweak the settings more so that they're more strict?
I plan on implementing this myself this weekend, wanted to thank you for the instructions you drew up to use CSF also.
Do I just need to tweak the settings more so that they're more strict?

Whether you block or not attackers IP, you still will get notifications and alerts be emails. Follow these instructions if you don't want to get such emails:

wanted to thank you for the instructions you drew up to use CSF also.

If it's said to me, then I'm glad you've found it useful, and note, you're always welcome.
Ah, that does indeed work to an extent. Thank you.

And yes, like the other poster, I also followed several of your guides while I was getting this server set up and secure. They were