Autoletsencrypt not working


Verified User
Dec 26, 2019
I had this working before, but now I'm rebuilding the server and the certs are not generated.
I follow the instructions here:
I run the script but nothing happens, there is no output either.
Manually generating the cert from DA works fine.

Any suggestion?
Wonder if this has something to do with the domains of the new created accounts being a subdomain of an existing domain, ie:
This was working before tho.
Something similar here:

The script provided by DA is definitively broken or not intended to work with subdomains.

I tried this one and it seems to work, despite some errors in the output:
I just installed the DA beta, it seems accounts are created with SSL support, but there are 2 issues.

1- The CERT appears invalid SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
2- It doesn't take care of mail. or smtp. which I really need to in order to automate accounts creation.

Can I have some help please?
1- The CERT appears invalid SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
2- It doesn't take care of mail. or smtp. which I really need to in order to automate accounts creation.
Post the BETA RC issues here.

Did you turn on the correct confs in the directadmin.conf?

I think they start here below

Also some are here and below
It seems it just needed some time to work properly, it started working by itself after a while.

About the other issue, how can I make the cert include by default smtp. and/or mail. ?
@bdacus01 Thanks please check I added another reply after that one.
That issue seems to be gone, I just need to figure how to fix the other one.