I just found out that since about a month ago, on 2 of our servers the automated weekly backups configured in directadmin have stopped working. This also affects resellers that have automated backups configured. If the backups are executed manually they work just fine. Crond is working just fine on both these servers.
As it has happened around the same time on both servers I suspect this is a directadmin issue. I have checked the directadmin logs but couldn't find any relevant information.
Does anyone know what could be wrong and what to look for?
Thanks in advance!
I just found out that since about a month ago, on 2 of our servers the automated weekly backups configured in directadmin have stopped working. This also affects resellers that have automated backups configured. If the backups are executed manually they work just fine. Crond is working just fine on both these servers.
As it has happened around the same time on both servers I suspect this is a directadmin issue. I have checked the directadmin logs but couldn't find any relevant information.
Does anyone know what could be wrong and what to look for?
Thanks in advance!