automatic YUM update question


NoBaloney Internet Svcs.
Jun 17, 2007
One of my clients, experimenting with YUM, is trying to automate YUM updates, and he hasn't found a way to do it with CentOS 6.

Has anyone successfully set up automated YUM updates with CentOS 6?

If so, please share your experiences and your knowledge.

Will you try yum-cron from Epel repo? I've never tried it by myself, but it seems that yum-updatesd is no more with CentOS 6.x
Thanks, Alex. I've passed the information on to my client and will post later on what we find.

I have exacpt the same problem.
When we do yum update he says that he has problem with depencies.
and thay are for the report error.
@MJwebhosting: you have a complete different problem, please post your problem in a separate thread.

@Jeff: Doing every update automatically is not always a good thing.
How about making a cronjob with yum check-update in it and let the cron email the admin with te results so he knows what is available for update? Or does he really want to automate updates without doing anything?
He should reboot the server after a kernel update anyway.:)
@Jeff: Doing every update automatically is not always a good thing.
I know and we don't. But he wants to.
He should reboot the server after a kernel update anyway.:)
Two ways to handle this; one is to not allow kernel updates, and then do them manually. Another is to allow them, and then soon after reboot manually to be sure you do it at a time when you can control what might happen if something goes wrong (someone at the DC, for example).
