automation question


New member
Oct 11, 2009

I am a teacher and would like to offer my students a place to experment with contentmanagementsystems.

There are +/- 200 students who would benefied from a subdomain. Is it possible to automate this proces? Add a subdomain, create a ftp-user and adding one mysql-database?

I already used Google,

the Netherlands
I'm sure somebody in these forums can help you write a bash script that will essentially create the following for you:

1) A subdomain
2) A FTP username and password that links to the specific subdomain folder
3) A MySQL database, username and password

The output of all these functions should be emailed to the student... For example:

./create_user <student_subdomain_name> <student_email_address>

The passwords should be randomly generated for security reasons.

My bash scripting knowledge is extremely limited, but I'm very sure that this is possible to do if you can get the right person to help you.
The How-To Guides section is for posting how to do something not for asking how to do something.
A reseller account.

I assume you are not a web host, so find a reseller package and set up a plan with all the parameters you want and each student can sign up for their own "account"