awstat statistic (last day of the month)


Verified User
Dec 8, 2008

On our server we are using awstats for stats calculation, which are installed by standard means (not as a plug-in). After a couple of months of their functioning we noticed that on the last day of the month the stats on awstats are showing a zero value. Did anybody face such a problem? Is there any way of solving it?
I have the same problem! At the last day of each month, every user account and domain lack the statistic for this day. I have installed AWStats like desribed here:

The content of my directadmin_cron at /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron is:

* * * * * root /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq
2 0-23/6 * * * root echo 'action=vacation&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue;
#5 5 * * 0 root /sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -augm; /sbin/quotaon -a;
10 0 * * * root echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
20 4 1 * * root echo 'action=reset&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
0 4 * * * root echo 'action=check&value=license' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Notice that AWStats statistic is generated 10 minutes after midnight. Maybe it will fix the problem to change it to 15 minutes before midnight?

Also I am running DirectAdmin version 1.34.1, Debian 5, PHP 5.2.11, Apache 2.2.14.

Also, how can I make it so that /home/USER/domains/DOMAIN.TLD/awstats/.data/awstats.DOMAIN.TLD.conf is chowned to the user, and not chowned to root? I need it to be chowned to each user so that they can edit the AWStats .conf file. Usually they would want to add there own IP adress to the filter, so that the statistic don't include trafic from themself -- now I have to do it for them, every time.
Well based on their example it should be running 10 mins after midnight daily. Its gotta be a bug in the Awstats program then. Does webalizer have the same problem?

I have a couple of servers under DirectAdmin with different operation systems (FreeBSD and CentOS). The problem with awstats was found on all the servers. And I use webalizer on one server. Webalaizer data is also incorrect. Can this problem be caused by log files rotation on the last day of a month?
Maybe we should contact DirectAdmin support about this? Is anybody else experience this problem?