AWStats DA and FreeBSD


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
I've read through the 51 page on the installing the AWStats plugin into DirectAdmin. There are lots of tweaks and things that need to be edited here and there. I'm sure some of them are fixed. If I were to install today, where do I need to make adjustments to AWStats plugin install? (I am not a FreeBSD hack, so don't take too much for granted.)

Not sure about FreeBSD, never used it.

But the Linux version I can install in less then 30 it down cold.

- Install plugin
- Run
- add override in customeapache/custom folder to install on site creation
- modify directadmin crontab (important that the daily udates runs BEFORE the webalizer and DA stats update or you won't get squat for
- modify awstats.none.conf (to turn off webupdate ability)
- go to admin plugin and turn on for all.

Course I cheat a little and SCP some of the files from a main server setup.

But I don't think the setup is much different on FreeBSD then it is on Linux. The first post in the thread pretty much covers it.
Not sure about FreeBSD, never used it.
Thanks. I hope a FreeBSD guy comes along too. I'll try to find what I can from the FreeBSD posts, but it doesn't go smooth as silk from what I see on the threads.
