AWStats update - please help


New member
Aug 19, 2007
Hello everybody,

I have the last Directadmin version with AWStats 6.7, i can access the stats and update them using command in SSH su root.
The problem is, i want that the customers will update by themselves in their own browsers, I configure the awstate config file as in the guide,(AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1). However, the problem is that when i try to update the stats from the browser and click on "Update now" i get the following error(s):

Error: Couldn't open server log file "/var/log/httpd/domains/[I][B][U][/U][/B][/I].info.log" : Permission denied 

Setup ('/etc/awstats/awstats.[I][B][U][/U][/B][/I].conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).

I tried search google and this forum and i found the error, but nobody really was the solution or the solution is for other Server Control Panels (Plesk, Helm etc.).

I think i have found smt.

hi guys,
i found the exactly problem:
I can update user stats as a root (using SSH su root) ... but i can't update the users if i login to SSH as a DA admin or DA user and than i get the error above.

Can you tell me how i give premissions to the users?
Thanks. :)
look into using sudo.

hi, first of all, thanks for your reply... i don't know what you mean, i succeed connecting using su - root... and i success to update AWStats using root access, but the problem users can't update it.. for example if i connect to SSH as a normal user, i can't update the awstats.
i even tried to make cronjob in user... the command works (i looked in the logs).. but it isn't updating it beacuse the user has no access..

which command do you use at CLI for update awstats statistics???

