Backing up on server 1 and restoring on server2 - problems


Verified User
Jan 22, 2004
I tried using DA to backup a user's files @ http://server1:2222/CMD_USER_BACKUP

Using server 2's IP and root userID and password for the following

IP: server2's IP
Username: root
Password: ******
Remote Path: /home/admin/user_backups/

I get a message:

User xxx has been backed up.

Warning: ftp_login(): Login incorrect. in - on line 17
Inavalid login/password for root on [server2 ip address]

Am i doing it the wrong way of backing up and restoring/ migrating my users to a new server that's also running DA?

i tried using the user's userID and password instead of root but same error.

Guide me please.
i think most of the time your root user is not your main reseller. if you are doing a reseller backup you need to user the username and password of that reseller.

also note this does not backup "your" domains, just the accounts you have created with that reseller. you will also have to do a 'site backup' under the 'user level' tab.
vandal said:
i think most of the time your root user is not your main reseller. if you are doing a reseller backup you need to user the username and password of that reseller.

also note this does not backup "your" domains, just the accounts you have created with that reseller. you will also have to do a 'site backup' under the 'user level' tab.

Hi vandal, huh? i really don't get you. "user the username and password? and does not backup my domains but accounts of that reseller? can eleborate please?

I've only just set up my own account and creating all hosting (user) account using my account, i am not putting in any reseller accounts for the time being on this new server as i am leaving them on the old server (server 1) and may use that server dedicated for resellers.
IP: server2's IP
Username: root
Password: ******
Remote Path: /home/admin/user_backups/

you put that, your username is admin not root. although i'm not 100% positive you can't ftp the backup with a root account to an admin account (since roots homedir is /home/root). use the admin username on the other box.

sounds like you are trying to backup onto a remote ftp server. if its not working, just do a local backup and manually ftp that file up to the server you want to restore it on.
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vandal said:
IP: server2's IP
Username: root
Password: ******
Remote Path: /home/admin/user_backups/

you put that, your username is admin not root. although i'm not 100% positive you can't ftp the backup with a root account to an admin account (since roots homedir is /home/root). use the admin username on the other box.

sounds like you are trying to backup onto a remote ftp server. if its not working, just do a local backup and manually ftp that file up to the server you want to restore it on.

Hi again vandal, i believe DA will just list /home/admin/user_backups/, i have DA installed on both server 1 and 2 thus am thinking of backing up to /home/admin/user_backups/ on server 2 from server 1's DA backup page, so i can just go to http://server2:2222/CMD_USER_BACKUP and choose the file to restore. FTPing is a way to solve this too since this build in DA function doesn't seem to be working as it should be? :( If not, i think i'll just give the servers a visit physically again after backing up everything on server 1's hdd then plugging out the hdd and do a hdd to hdd copy, just that this way, there'll be downtime on server 1 which is in production.

Can DA developers comment please?
here's what i do that works:

1. Go to http://sever1:2222/CMD_USER_BACKUP

2. Once done, a message will be received via DA's message system. Go to server1 and copy that sitename.tar.gz to a valid user's home dir eg - /home/username/public_html/

3. CHMOD 755 sitename.tar.gz

4. CHOWN username:usergroup sitename.tar.gz

5. Go to server 2 and cd dir to /home/admin/user_backups/ use wget http://server1/sitename.tar.gz into that folder.

6. Go to DA on server http://server2:2222/CMD_USER_BACKUP and do a restore. The user name, data, mySQL databases, POP3 e-mail ID etc etc will ALL be restored. You can log in using that restored userID and password to test out.