backup does not seem to run


Verified User
Apr 15, 2014
I have schedule a full backup with the directadmin interface to an ftp server, on the ftp server I don' see any attempt to login and it does not write any information
Can you suggest me how can I debug this issue?
Thank you
I have checked:

1. the ftp login details are working fine, I have tested it using an email client
2. I am using csf firewall but port 21 is open to the outside
3. with cpanel works fine so I also assume is not an issue on the backup server
4. I don't receive any attempt to login on the backup server from the directadmin server
5. cron is running, I have force the backup to run now for testing proposes

I don't know yet where to check at directadmin if there is any error message

thank you

very strange, just got the message that the backup ended, and I can see that it have done a tar file with everything on it. Was there a reason for this to happen? I tried before 2 times and it did work only in debug mode? well I will try to see if it runs in the next schedule.

is there a way to not zip in a single file all the data? isn't that dangerous the file can reach a vey bug size

thank you
Admin -> System backup (sysbk script) will create multiple archives instead of one.

Be aware though it's strictly a manual restore process.
I haven't seen very large tarballs to be an issue for years now. But to be sure you should test your file to make sure you can untar it.


The problem was on the cron schedule, I have changed and now it works, but the issue I have now is that it seems to be running more than what is supposed to, I have set to make a backup on Friday at 1am using this "0 1 * * 6" it did a backup on Friday and Saturday also? is my cron schedule wrong?

but what was the max size of a file that you open? I just test it with a 2gb file and did not had any issue to open it, but I am curious to know if with files like 50gb if it will open

Thank you
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Day 6 should be Saturday; maybe the backup on Friday was executed from another cron/manually?

If you have many/big files so one user gets 50GB, I would exclude that space from the DA backup (but keep making the backup of the other data), then use something like rsync to copy only the changes made in the users files.
but what was the max size of a file that you open? I just test it with a 2gb file and did not had any issue to open it, but I am curious to know if with files like 50gb if it will open
I use linux both at the office and on my servers, and I have no trouble opening 50GB tarballs. If you're going to open them on Windows I really don't know if winzip or any of the other similar programs will open a 50 GB file.

On my connection between my servers and my office it takes about 2.5 hours to download a 50 GB file. Your connection may take significantly longer.

Generally, though, we don't restore files locally; we have space on our backup server where we can extract tarballs if necessary to get to specific files. For one client recently with a 16 GB tarball, he needed it in his office and didn't have the bandwidth th download it. We downloaded it for him, and untarred it, and supplied it to him on a USB drive. We charged him $145.00 USD, which he agreed to in advance, including shipping the drive to his overseas address.
