sorry for the delay
Jeff i finaly do the FTP test's through SSH...
first i login...
[root@linux ~]# ftp
Using username "root".
[email protected]'s password:
[root@linux ~]# ftp
Connected to
220 Microsoft FTP Service
500 'AUTH GSSAPI': command not understood
500 'AUTH KERBEROS_V4': command not understood
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
Name ( linuxbk
331 Password required for linuxbk.
230 User linuxbk logged in.
Remote system type is Windows_NT.
Look's all OK to now ... so i put this command...
(one of the files/users with the backup problem)
send /home/ramdileo/v_backup_1ro_mes/beas.tar.gz /linuxbk/host1/beas.tar.gz
and y get this...
local: /home/ramdileo/v_backup_1ro_mes/beas.tar.gz remote: /linuxbk/host1/beas.tar.gz
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
Passive mode refused. Turning off passive mode.
No control connection for command: Transport endpoint is not connected
i login again .. and put the same command again
send /home/ramdileo/v_backup_1ro_mes/beas.tar.gz /linuxbk/host1/beas.tar.gz
and now i get this...
local: /home/ramdileo/v_backup_1ro_mes/beas.tar.gz remote: /linuxbk/host1/beas.tar.gz
227 Entering Passive Mode (216,75,63,101,21,184).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
12001745 bytes sent in 11 seconds (1.1e+03 Kbytes/s)
now I try with other of the files/users with the backup problem...
send /home/ramdileo/v_backup_1ro_mes/patricia.tar.gz /linuxbk/host1/patricia.tar.gz
and the PuTTY get stalk...
227 Entering Passive Mode (216,75,63,101,21,185).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
but both files look's OK on my remote server... both files are transfer and have the correct size.
beas.tar.gz 2007-10-25 19:19 11,720.45KB
patricia.tar.gz 2007-10-25 19:34 551,927.68KB
through SSH the ftp conection works.. I think...
but through the Directadmin... i get the same stuff.. whit the same files..
Subject: An error occurred during the backup. Today at 21:05
User beas has been backed up.
Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out.
ncftpput /home/tmp/ramdileo/beas.tar.gz: could not send file to remote host.
User patricia has been backed up.
Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out.
ncftpput /home/tmp/ramdileo/patricia.tar.gz: could not send file to remote host.