Backup Problem


Verified User
Jan 24, 2007
I got problems when I tried to backup or restore.
I have about 40 domains in my server. When I tried to backup inside my local folder (admin/user_backups/),
not even until 5 accounts, the server will crash, and I have to call my datacenter to reboot.
It looked like the directory "home" is hang. Can anyone expplain how this thing can happen
and how to solve it? My server is Pentium D 3.0ghz, 2GM RAM. Centos 4.4
Space is still a lot, i.e about 400GB.
Do you have a large enough quota for each domain to handle itself plus it's backups?

I backup through :-
admin login --> Reseller Level --> Manage User Backups

Quota for admin account is unlimited, right? All data users have a combined 11GB and 'home' directory of 400GB.
Or maybe there is other setting? pls help me..