Backup system and reseller two times to two different servers.


Verified User
Jul 22, 2005

I managed to set-up the system and reseller backup in DirectAdmin (it was really easy I must say).
But I want to do this back-ups to two different servers each night, but I can't find where the crons are saved for the system backup and the reseller backup.

Does anybody know where I can find those crons and is it possible to just add a extra line to the cron?

Thanks in advance
Since sysbk has to be run as root, my guess is they might be root cronjobs.

read "man crontab" to learn how to edit root's crontab.

Note that you'll have to set up sysbk with two different config files as that's where the backup information is stored. And that's beyond the scope of this forum. To give you a hint: you can set up sysbk more than once. We've done it for clients.
