Backup Utility (via Rclone)


Verified User
Jul 11, 2008
Lancashire, UK

So here it is, you can find backup-utility.tar.gz here.

There was a lot of work done that is not shown here however that is due to the unforgiving nature of rclone. If you want to setup an rclone backup service for maintaining active backups using S3 this is for you. It assumes that the user is capable of managing the backups - at the provider - in order to see and retrieve that data.

What this script does:
- Creates Config For Rclone (S3 Providers)
- Installs Backup Script
- Transfers Each Admin Backup To Rclone Provider

I'll be using this as it is "fit for purpose" however I do feel a restore feature and tighter controls over config options are required here. Hopefully I can work on this again and at some point make a bigger release.

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Ah, thank you. Glad someone is watching! The config of all those providers is coming along well. I made big strides with handling the generation of the form content, most of which comes from rclone itself. Working on making it ‘simpler’ tomorrow. Then when that’s done, I plan on utilising the current backup facilities and put in place restore feature.
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I don't know if I will be interested myself, but at least it looks promising and interesting, especially because it will support more options. But I'm sure more people will really like this.
Keep up the good work! (y)
Isn't Borg coming out soon?
This should be compatible with Borg depending with DirectAdmin implementation. My understanding is Borg is very picky on the path and other little things, but we could definitely work around them once it's released and we have more information.
So yeah, supper happy with this so far. I’m adding in images and custom ’required’ config with a link to also to change advanced settings. Then onto the business of performing the backup and then the restore. Seems this could be quite a nice little utility. ?
So yeah, supper happy with this so far. I’m adding in images and custom ’required’ config with a link to also to change advanced settings. Then onto the business of performing the backup and then the restore. Seems this could be quite a nice little utility. ?
Looking forward to this.

Please share any screenshots or features when they are ready for public.

Keep it up!
Looking forward to this.

Please share any screenshots or features when they are ready for public.

Keep it up!
Thanks - currently it supports all protocols of rclone (with a bit of a complicated input form) but I plan on simplifying it for essential options only with advanced options hidden in a tab. Images for the supported protocols is done and I have spent some time working on the core rclone functionality this week and finally have that working. I expect to have something for end of next week - hopefully the main release.

Kind regards
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Looking forward to releasing this. With so many providers it’s proving time consuming.

Will be making a major release next week with a basic feature set:
- Create Backup Providers
- Use Provider To Store Backup Data

Besides that, I hope to have a restore feature, but for now this will serve as a viable alternative option to JetBackups.
@youds so just found this after looking for a DA cloud backup extension. How do i set this up to for use with rclone to backup to MS Onedrive? I see neither MS Onedrive nor Rclone listed

There was an error on install "unable to write plugin data for backup-utility" and the same one happens when uninstalling.
Hello, do you know if it is compatible with the Backblaze S3 Compatible API?
I really like to use Backblaze B2, it is cheap and relialable