backup with FTP over SSL


Verified User
Oct 1, 2007
Hi everybody,

I'd like to know if you think it will be possible to add an option for backup. We can add FTP over SSL with ftp and scp.

When we backup all server in the night simple ftp makes the passwords travel in clear on the network.

I think using sftp will be a nice thing.

Waiting for your answers about this idea.

Mount a network drive using nfs and you don't have to worry about passwords at all or changing the directadmin code.
Hi floyd and thank you for your answer but in fact I do my backup to a NAS I've got at home and he doesn't support NFS. but ftp over SSL of ftp overs TLS that's why I was asking for a such function.
DA does not have to support it for you to make it work.

At this time, it's not part of DA.. however if you want to edit the ftp upload script, it can be found in:


Basically, change the command to upload however you wish.
If you wanted a combination of some ftp, some scp, you can add if-statements based on the IP or username (whatever you'd like) to control what method the script uses.

