

Verified User
Aug 27, 2009

i have some questions about backup configration !

1 - what does it different between "Admin Backup/Transfer" and "System backup" ?

2 - how to take backup of my site through "Admin Backup/Transfer" ( i want to take 5 backups per day )

3 ) what does it mean of Star ( * ) in "cron Schedule" ?

pls explain how to take backup autimatically ( 5 times per day )

Thank u
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hahahah 5 times a day I highly doubt you have the space for that and its pointless. You will have nothing but complaints from customers because your cpu will be crunching non stop.
hahahah 5 times a day I highly doubt you have the space for that and its pointless. You will have nothing but complaints from customers because your cpu will be crunching non stop.

hahaha i have only one site and CPU is Xeon :) and let me know how to config !
The cpu doesn't really matter this DA backup takes a nice chunk of processing power on large sites... the loads on one of my larger sites is at about 4.0 for the duration of the backup which is about 15gb or so.

If you are only doing a small site/server it should be pretty fast though, but it will raise the load for sure.

there are instructions on for this also.
The cpu doesn't really matter this DA backup takes a nice chunk of processing power on large sites... the loads on one of my larger sites is at about 4.0 for the duration of the backup which is about 15gb or so.

If you are only doing a small site/server it should be pretty fast though, but it will raise the load for sure.

there are instructions on for this also.

Hello , thank u for your reply ,

i want to know how to set an automatic backup ( 1 or 2 times per day ) , through "admin" user

and i don`t want to rewrite the backup over prevues backup ,

Like Cpanel , i want to have <daily> <weekly> <monthly> backups

Thank u