Few nights ago i noticed my backups having issues. I've got a cronjob to backup all users to a remote FTP and currently, directadmin makes the backups but saves them in /home/tmp/admin/ and just leaves them there, doesnt put them to ftp or delete them. Error log says:
2011:12:18-10:36:46: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/domain.com/email/passwd : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:36:47: Unable to write: /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/backup_options.list : Unable to open file for writing<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:10: Error deleting /home/tmp/admin/user.reseller.user.tar.gz : <b>Write access to the directory containing /home/tmp/admin/user.reseller.user.tar.gz is not allowed for the process's effective uid, or one of the directories in pathname did not allow search (execute) permission.</b><br>
2011:12:18-10:37:11: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/domain.com/email/passwd : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:11: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/user/backup/domain.com/email/quota : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:14: Unable to write: /home/tmp/admin/user/backup/backup_options.list : Unable to open file for writing<br>
etc ..
I found a post http://www.directadmin.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13282.html here but no solutions.
2011:12:18-10:36:46: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/domain.com/email/passwd : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:36:47: Unable to write: /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/backup_options.list : Unable to open file for writing<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:10: Error deleting /home/tmp/admin/user.reseller.user.tar.gz : <b>Write access to the directory containing /home/tmp/admin/user.reseller.user.tar.gz is not allowed for the process's effective uid, or one of the directories in pathname did not allow search (execute) permission.</b><br>
2011:12:18-10:37:11: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/username/backup/domain.com/email/passwd : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:11: Unable to write /home/tmp/admin/user/backup/domain.com/email/quota : Unable to get Lock on file<br>
2011:12:18-10:37:14: Unable to write: /home/tmp/admin/user/backup/backup_options.list : Unable to open file for writing<br>
etc ..
I found a post http://www.directadmin.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13282.html here but no solutions.