backups now need /tmp?


Verified User
Aug 25, 2004
I have been using the reseller level backup for some time and no issues.

The last cronned backup failed (first after DA upgrade) the system ran out of space in /tmp it also caused other problems on the server.

It tried to have over 10gig of user data in the /tmp partition, is this a new method it uses for backing up?

We have not change the backup setup with this release.

Did you happen to see what files were taking up the space? (Ie the filenames, etc..)

yes it was basically what normally goes in /admin/user_backups/ tarballed users data and all their other info and was put in /tmp/admin/ instead.

Our default for that would be in /home/tmp.
Check your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf for the tmpdir=/home/tmp. Also check if /home/tmp is a symbolic link to /tmp.

I've seen it happen once or twice where the data doesn't get deleted from /home/tmp/admin. Note that the current method should be to delete the files just after they're transferred.. so there should only ever be 1 file in /home/tmp/admin/* for the transfer.

Ok yes our /home/tmp points to /tmp, but this problem didnt happen in the previous version of DA.

If I edited the config to specify a new tmpdir would this solve the problem for me?

The path shouldn't matter. We haven't changed anything with the backups for the release, so likely it was just a fluke. Try deleting all the files and see if it happens agian. (they're temp files, supposed to be deleted after it's done by the dataskq)

Ok I will try once more but I am surprised it has worked at all then, some user's data when compressed is a multigig tarball so how that ever got copied successfully to a 512meg /tmp partition is odd.

If it gives the same error I will just edit a new dir in the config file.
The only way it would end up in /home/tmp/admin (/tmp/admin in your case) would be if a remote transfer is used (and then failed half way through).

If it was /home/tmp/user_backups .. then it's local, and then there would have to be a symbolic link from /home/admin/user_backups to /home/tmp/user_backups (or /tmp/user_backups).

yes it is was doing a remote transfer, the logs didnt show a failed transfer tho, just failed backup due to insufficent space, I havent tried it again yet but will do as soon as possible.