Backups with DA


Verified User
Nov 10, 2008
Hi everyone,

Does anyone have a tuto about how to setup backups in DA??

Thanks in advance
Thanks Rich-Boy, but i meant a tuto to setup a daily backup. :o

Da is really is really not easy to use compared to WHM and Cpanel :mad:
It really isn't that difficult, I actually find it easier. WHM/Cpanel was just too jam packed with junk when I used it last. Anyhow, this isn't a fanboy post so here's how to set up daily backups.

To make a system backup (apache, mysql, exim, etc.):

-Login as admin
-Click on "System Backup"
-Enter in the info needed if you want to set it up as a cronjob (0 0 * * * if you want it run at midnight daily). Select a local backup or a remote (FTP) backup.
-The files needed for DA to operate are already selected for backup. You can add/delete to your liking.
-Click "Save" in each section.

To backup your users:

-Login as admin
-Click on "Admin Backup/Transfer"
-Follow steps 1 thru 3 then hit submit.

It can't get any easier than this ;)
Thanks very much GXX, i confirm exactly what i've done till now.

Everyday, i well receive a mail letting me know that backups are now ready which is fine.... the problem is that i'm unable to know where backups are hidden ;)

The path by default is home/admin/admin_backup ....... if i've a look in, i don't see anything... strange isn't it!!!
I assume the directory /home/admin/admin_backup is there?

What are the ownership and permissions on that directory?

Instead of waiting for the cron to run, backup a site immediately to see if DA backs it up.
From command line run:

find /home -name "*.tar.gz"


find / -name "*.tar.gz"

The second one will take a lot longer.