bad web redirecction


Verified User
Jul 4, 2007
jabber [email protected]
Hello i have one domain

example :

an all my costumer and domains in the server is redirect to this domain :eek:

any domain always go to

How i change this


Did you set up all these domains through the DA control panel? Do they all run on the same IP#?

A list of the IP#(s) and the domain names would be helpful in resolving this problem.

Thanks for your answer BUT

Hello i go to post this here but you move this msg where you like but no delete.

I work with directadmin many year i repair small question many year and i am happywith directamin all the costumer i have from other server with Cpanel
y change for directadmin and i no have other panel.
I have confiance in directamin an i look big future for hin.

But i no have tiome for everything and for this t I contract now other support because I have other server in US - UK - Francia and Spain and now I have bad experience I look company is selling support for administrate server and publicity administrate an repaire directadmin and this is no true.

Why directadmin company no STOP sell Licence and upgrades to this company.
Directadmin need official representation with any garanty. This exprience is bad imagin for directamin.

If you by a car and repair the normal you go to any official reseller and support. Why directamin no make any list of other official reseller and support with garanty this people make good joob.

why directamin no make homologate reseller and homologate reseller support
from the day 28 of june I lose my server to the day of this post and no any acces also by ssh and for this I move all my costumer and any domains to other domains very urgent


Spanish traslation

Hola estos dias he tenido una de las mas malas experiencias con suporte de otra compañia que revende directamin. Venden directamin soporte y server soporte y realmente me han destrozado el server y no tengo ni acceso SSH
Todo ello vino ya que tengo servidores en USA - UK - FRANCIA y España y necesitaba ayuda. Por que directamin no hace como cuando vas a comprar un coche que vas a un un sitio homologado y oficial garantizado por directamin
and server support para que estos te puedan prestar servicios.
Desdes el dia 28 de junio al dia 6 del mes de este mes perdi mi server y tuve que trasladar dominios y usuarios de forma inmediata a otros server.

Desde luego directamin deberia controlar los que venden su imagen
I'm having a problem understanding your post :( .

DirectAdmin does NOT sell licenses through any other company. DirectAdmin makes internal licenses available at special pricing to companies renting or selling Dedicated Servers, but for no other purposes.

If I've misunderstood please try to write a simpler in English.


english or spanish

I solvent the problem thanks.

But other problem of directadmin is no have support for the second lenguage in US .

Why not DIRECTADMIN have support and also other language in the skin.

Spanish is very important in US and the world

We make the forum in Spanish

But this is no in OFF why need the help and the support of Directadmin for Spanish
JBMC, the publishers of DirectAdmin, is NOT located in the U.S., but rather in Canada. Surely if no one who works for them is fluent in Spanish they may choose to not support it themselves. You might want to ask them what languages they intend to support.
