bandwidth contains?


Verified User
Aug 26, 2004
Trying to find what the bandwidth really contains.. Web, MySQL, FTP, SSH, mail, mail forvarders, mailing lists etc? What about upload and download, or is it summary of both?
jmstacey said:
Please search the forums!

Bandwidth is http, ftp, and email

My DA doesn't count my email bandwidth. Anywhere i find the email bandwidth logs like http and ftp.

BTW, i'm running MailScanner + SpamA + ClamV
Sorry I was not thinking clearly.
DA doesn't support email bandwidth yet.

I was thinking of the /~username bandwidth that is now counted.

So in the end, just http, ftp, and file manager usage is counted that I know of.
OK. Is the bandwidth counted only for downloaded files, or downloaded and uploaded?
Both. The last thread I read about the file manager was that since downloads (I think it was) were jailed it wasn't counting the bandwidth correctly. They made a workaround where it added the filesize of the file to be downloaded to the bandwidth usage before the file was downloaded. That means that it will add to the bandwidth usage whether the whole file was downloaded or not.