bandwidth management per site


Verified User
Apr 16, 2004
I am not curently a DA user, but hope to be next month.

I have a couple of questions in regards to Apache and bandwidth limits.

Does DA impose a daily or hourly limit on the site such that it will average out over the course of the month? Or does it simply shut down the site for the remainder of the month when the bandwidth limit is exceeded?

Is it possible, where I create my hosting packages, to have some with say php and frontpage support and others without?

1) The bandwidth usage is monthly, theres no hourly / daily / weekly limit at all...

2) Certainly can, you can have a new package for every domain if that's what you want :)

Hi, thank you for your answer...

So what happens when the site reaches its monthly limit?

Could I make a feature request (yes, even though I am not yet a customer - but I really plan to be soon) that at least a daily bandwidth limit functionality be implemented? That way a site is not useless for say a week or so if it all of a sudden gets busy.

Is there a provision in the current version to allow a site to go over their allocation for an additional charge?

And is it easy to change/add additional bandwidth to that individual account and have the site owner billed accordingly?

ProWebUK said:
1) The bandwidth usage is monthly, theres no hourly / daily / weekly limit at all...

2) Certainly can, you can have a new package for every domain if that's what you want :)


When you configure packages you have the option to "Suspend at Limit." If you use this feature (which is suggested), any accounts that reach their disk space or bandwidth limit will be suspended. If you don't use this feature, a user can continue to consume resources over their allotment.

The way we do it is "Suspend at Limit" and charge for an additional block of bandwidth if the user needs their site back up for the remainder of the month. Occasionally, if there's only a few days left in the month we usually just let people slide. DirectAdmin doesn't handle billing, so there's no way to automatically charge for overusage.

Thank you for the info. One little question. Is that setting global for both bandwidth and diskapce or are there individual options for diskspace and bandwidth?

Which would be the proper area to ask about how others are handling their billing (I realize this topic is inappropriate for the apache topic).

loopforever said:
When you configure packages you have the option to "Suspend at Limit." If you use this feature (which is suggested), any accounts that reach their disk space or bandwidth limit will be suspended. If you don't use this feature, a user can continue to consume resources over their allotment.

The way we do it is "Suspend at Limit" and charge for an additional block of bandwidth if the user needs their site back up for the remainder of the month. Occasionally, if there's only a few days left in the month we usually just let people slide. DirectAdmin doesn't handle billing, so there's no way to automatically charge for overusage.
The Suspend at Limit feature is dual-feature monitoring function. I mean that it will automatically suspend a site based on whatever comes first:

1) Disk Space Overage
2) Bandwidth Limit reached

I doubt you'll ever have an occasion where both limits are reached at once. Even so, the first limit to be reached is cause enough for suspension.

As far as billing goes, I don't see anything wrong with asking here, since at least two of us have already seen this thread :p...

We use paysystems + our own client management system w/ DA integration. I think whois.cart has DA support, as does ModernBill. You'll need to add a merchant account or 3rd party payment processor (like paysystems or 2checkout) to those products.

loopforever said:
The Suspend at Limit feature is dual-feature monitoring function. I mean that it will automatically suspend a site based on whatever comes first:

1) Disk Space Overage
2) Bandwidth Limit reached

I doubt you'll ever have an occasion where both limits are reached at once. Even so, the first limit to be reached is cause enough for suspension.

I was thinking in regards to the diskspace part, not that I would want to suspend the site, rather just not let them go over. Make it a hard coded limit. I wouldn't want to suspend a site just because someone accidentally uploaded a slightly larger file to their site.

As to bandwidth... that is a whole other thing ;)

As far as billing goes, I don't see anything wrong with asking here, since at least two of us have already seen this thread :p...

We use paysystems + our own client management system w/ DA integration. I think whois.cart has DA support, as does ModernBill. You'll need to add a merchant account or 3rd party payment processor (like paysystems or 2checkout) to those products.

I have purchased whoiscart (that is how I found out about DA). I haven't yet installed it as I had to make a quick server move (long story, let's just say stay away from ServerMatrix in Dallas!).

I already have a merchant account and hopefully WhoisCart will add support for my current gateway soon.

Thanks for the info!