Bandwidth meter


New member
Mar 3, 2004
Hello, I use directadmin myself to manage several gameserver accounts i sell, id like to know if there is a way that the bandwidth meter directadmin users have, counts tcp bandwidth too when calculating total bandwidth used. Does it just counts Apache and ftp transfers?

Thanks in advance ^^;
DA doesn't count "bandwidth" used; it counts the amount of data transferred.

And it gets the information not from port monitoring, but rather from log parsing.

So the answer is that no, it won't do what you want.

aw thats too bad.. :( u know.. thats the first thing i found that cpanel can do and DA cant... as for the rest DA rlz all cpanels!.
Keep in mind that the more utils you use such as "port monitoring" the more resources you are going to take up. I actually like the way DA uses the log files.

If Cpanel is sniffing the interface card enough to know who is using how much bandwidth you will DEFINATELY see substantial performance loss.

Your best bet especially on a gaming machine is to let them have the bandwidth they need and just charge them for the throughput. Reduce the performance of those games and you reduce your customer base.

Big Wil
Still has to slow it down some. Can't channel information to its logs without adding a fraction of a millisecond or two. DA uses existing logs. Much better for performance.

Big Wil