Bandwidth Problem with totals


New member
May 25, 2006
Since the last directadmin update with the new feature that displays bandwidth, the bandwith totals now appear to be taking account of Aprils as well as Mays' totals.

Now I know this is a bug, but the problem as far as I can see is that it is also effecting how the bandwidth is calculated, in directadmin as a whole.

I have looked at several accounts and the total calculated bandwidth includes April and May, as a result accounts are getting suspended that actually are only using part of their bandwith allocation.

Is this a bug that will be fixed in the next update,
We have not changed how we count bandwidth. We've only added a new window into viewing where it's going.

If you see any data for the "April" month, just check your /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/bandwidth.tally file.

Count the number of "type=tally" lines you have.. there should be the same number as the days of the month.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/[b]username[/b]
grep -c tally bandwidth.tally
Which will spit out the number of tally lines. If it's the same as the number of days in the month, then everything should be fine.

The 1 April line is likely just beause the tally is always done the "next" day. So for example, all of the email entries were created in April, but the reset/tally is done in May, so there is 1 day from last month in the first day of this month (possiby)..

If you see more tally lines than there should be, then the reset didn't happen correctly. Try this guide:

Dear John,

I have also same the problem. I saw that DA the bandwoth no longer went reset. More strongly still, as every evening the backups are carried out, got bogged down my system.

I nevertheless think that there is wrong has gone.
I use Fedora 3.

Can you can help me perhaps?